Joovy Caboose Review (A Compact Ultralight Tandem Umbrella Stroller)

Joovy Caboose Review (A Compact Ultralight Tandem Umbrella Stroller)

Joovy Caboose Review (A Compact Ultralight Tandem Umbrella Stroller)

One of the most prestigious strollers on the market, the Joovy Caboose Ultralight Stroller has the features to keep any parent happy while out and about. From its excellent storage features to its sleek design, everyone will be envious of your new purchase. Additionally, the model is durable enough to last you for many years.

Joovy Caboose Ultralight Graphite Stroller

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Lightweight Design

Want a stroller that is simple to push around for hours at a time? If so, you will never have to be exhausted after the first hour of pushing with the Joovy Ultralight Stroller. Since it has an extremely lightweight design, the only weight you have to worry about is that of your child.

Everything about the Joovy Ultralight Stroller is also designed to take a lot of the strain off of the user, so the wheels and frame handle a lot of the weight for you.

Oversized Canopy

To keep your child protected from the sun, and to help them nap when out and about, the Joovy Stroller comes with an oversized canopy.

Since it goes both above and over your child, it is sure to help your child feel secure and comfortable during journeys out on the town. Additionally, the canopy of the Stroller is extremely stylish, adding to the overall sleek look of the stroller. 

The combination of style and substance makes the stroller’s canopy a major selling point of the product.

Many Useful Accessories

Few strollers can match the many amazing and useful accessories and features of the Joovy Stroller. It comes with 2 different cup holders, both for you and your child. If you are a parent who needs caffeine to function, this feature will come in very useful.

Additionally, it comes with a child tray, making it easy to keep your child’s hunger down on the go. Last, but not least, the Stroller comes with a universal car seat adapter. If you want to conveniently move your child between car and stroller, this feature has you covered.

Large Storage Basket

Need to keep helpful tools and objects nearby when traveling with your child? If so, the large storage basket built into the Joovy Stroller is the perfect solution.

Since it has plenty of space, and is conveniently located behind your child, you are always less than an arm’s reach away from your child’s favorite toy, or medicine. If you want to stay prepared for anything, this feature can help.

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  • The Joovy Caboose Stroller features more storage space than nearly any other stroller product on the market.
  • If you want a unique stroller, the sleek, black coloring and overall look of the Stroller have you covered.
  • If you want a unique stroller, the sleek, black coloring and overall look of this Stroller have you covered.


  • Due to its particularly high price tag, few families will be able to afford the Joovy Caboose Stroller.
  • The bulky design of the Joovy Stroller makes it somewhat frustrating to push around for long periods at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’S)

Q. Does the Joovy Stroller come with a built-in rain cover?

Ans. No, unfortunately the Stroller does not come with a built-in rain cover. Yes, It has joovy caboose ultralight rain cover but you have to pay extra for that.

Q. Does the Joovy Stroller come in any other colors?

Ans. Yes, the Stroller comes in black, blueberry, greenie, and orangie, although colors other than black cost extra.

Q. Is the Joovy Caboose Stroller Ready for Airplane?

Ans. For knowing this correctly, parents must need to read the airplane policy before caring the stroller separately. Because, All airplane doesn’t accept all stroller. Here is one good resource –

Q. Is the Stroller eligible for free two-day shipping?

Ans. Yes, the Stroller is eligible for two-day shipping through Amazon. However, it will costs extra on top of the regular price of this Joovy Ultralight Stroller.

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Final Words

Ready to stay self-sufficient when pushing your child around town? The Joovy Caboose Ultralight Stroller has every feature you need to keep ahead of the pack.

From convenient cup holders and trays, to large storage spaces, this model is ready to help you improvise your child care. Particularly busy parents will love the features offered by the amazing Joovy Caboose Ultralight Stroller.