How to reduce the effects of baby brain? -7 Tips for Pregnant Moms

How to reduce the effects of baby brain

How to reduce the effects of baby brain? -7 Tips for Pregnant Moms

The term “baby brain” refers to the mental fog that many pregnant woman experience at some point. Symptoms include forgetfulness, a slowed reaction time and impaired cognition. It has been scientifically proven, though the exact cause isn’t clear. Here are 7 tips for focusing on “how to reduce the effects of baby brain”.

7 Tips on How to Reduce the Effects of Baby Brain

01. Drink more water

Pregnant women are prone to dehydration. This is a no-brainer when you suffer morning sickness. However, in the second and third trimester, your body is generating an extra few liters of blood while you are processing the waste for two. 

Even mild dehydration interferes with memory and cognition. This is why it can’t hurt to drink more water.

02. Increase your iron intake

A woman’s body is producing a lot more blood in the first and third trimester. This increases the woman’s risk of anemia. That denies her body the nutrients it needs to make enough red blood cells. This eventually means less oxygen and glucose to the brain. If you are in the third trimester, you can fight anemia with a serving of red meat

In the first trimester, the very thought of red meat can make you ill. In that case, try dried apricots, lentils, tofu and spinach. Or increase your intake of white meat like turkey and consumption of dairy.

03. Sleep more

Several studies have shown than fatigue is as bad for your judgement as being drunk on alcohol. Pregnant women’s bodies are under an extra load trying to support themselves and the baby.

This means you need to guarantee that you get eight hours of sleep each night. If you’re really tired, don’t try to load up on caffeine.

Instead, take a ten to twenty minute nap on your lunch break.

04. Improve your quality of sleep

If that doesn’t cure brain fog or you’re already sleeping that much, start figuring out what is undermining your quality of sleep. You may want to sleep on your side instead of your back to reduce back pain.

Or get a pregnancy pillow so you aren’t tossing and turning at night. You should also cut back on the caffeine, ending your intake by noon. 

Then the stimulants you take during the day don’t interfere in your quality of sleep.

05. Moderate your blood sugar

Blood sugar swings can leave you grouchy, tired and hungry for unhealthy foods. One solution is to eat smaller meals several times a day.

Another tactic is to increase your protein and fiber intake while reducing your sugar and carbohydrate intake. This will eliminate the brain fog caused by low blood sugar as well as the periodic blood sugar crashes that can leave you craving unhealthy food.

06. Take breaks

There are several variations of this advice. First, you’ll suffer brain fog when you’re exhausted, and as a pregnant woman, you’ll get tired sooner than you used to.

One solution is to take more breaks on the job or whatever else you do during the day. Sit down, put your feet up, and rest.

Another solution is to actually rest when you’re on a break. If you’re reading or socializing, don’t give in to the temptation to check email or text messages. To get more info like this, Consider a visit to regularly. 

07. Reduce your stress

Stress contributes to brain fog, whether or not you are pregnant. There are several ways you can reduce your stress. One is to set up a budget and get control of the money so you don’t worry about how you’ll afford your child.

Another is to quit trying to multi-tasking. Don’t try to respond to emails and instant messages while listening to a conference call. You don’t have to listen to audio books on cutting edge topics during your commute. It is OK to listen to relaxing music. 

Another solution is reducing your overall burden. Learn to say no. Consider that practice for when you have a toddler running around. Stop volunteering for causes because a friend or coworker guilt-tripped you into it.

Say no to overtime requests, and feel free to cite your health as the reason. This has the side benefit of ending the requests to work evenings and weekends after you have the baby.


Brain fog can be due to poor nutrition, stress, health problems and insufficient sleep. Follow our advice, and you’ll improve your brain function and your overall health.

It will benefit you over the long-run, including after you have the baby.